
The thoughts, opinions and experiential summations expressed in this blog are mine, which don’t always reflect the hard line of truth that usually resides between the (mostly) two perspectives in a relationship.

I’d like to think I keep a fairly accurate record of events but there are moments where I’m sure the oft-mentioned BF/GF would like to throttle me because I have colored a post through extreme me-lenses rather than divulge the objective truth.  I am incredibly grateful that she trusts my well-meaning intentions enough to give up control of how she may be seen by the often hostile outside world.

That trust is a priceless thing and though I am an emotional human being, making me inappropriately subjective at moments, I will do my damn best to do right by her as it was an incredible 3.3 years…thank you, S.  No one ever like you.  Ever.

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